CESF ran the ILO safety course with the Beirut Order of Engineers and Architects.

In August, a large explosion in the port of Beirut caused many victims and much destruction.

From 21 to 30 September, in agreement with the OEA – Order of Engineers and Architects of Beirut, the ILO – International Labour Organization, organized a training course for safety managers in the reconstruction of seriously damaged infrastructures or buildings. The management of the course was entrusted to the CESF of Perugia, which carried out it in collaboration with the trainers of the TSC of Ramallah.

The lessons involved 96 Lebanese engineers and architects in the OEA conference room in Beirut, distributed in four sessions, lasting ten hours each, connected by teleconference with CESF in Perugia and TSC in Ramallah.

The ILO and the OEA expressed their appreciation for the results obtained from the course.

Course photos