The PARTNERS of a great project about safety and solidarity

The Project “Integrated Hubs for the Professional and Entrepreneurial Training and Qualification in Palestine and Jordan” involves, in addition to Italy, two head offices of the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development – Jerusalem and Amman. In fact it is aimed to realize two new training centers for safety in building sites: in Palestine (Ramallah) and in Jordan (Amman).

Gubbio Municipality

Project Applicant, the Municipality of Gubbio  has been since many years involved in international projects, both as applicant that partner.           


The center for training and safety is the project coordinator. It was born in 1961 and it organizes courses about safety in building sites and about construction techniques (masonry, restoration, finishing, etc)

Palestinian Ministry of Public Works

It’s the Ministry that coordinates all activities related to the management of public works and social housing for the Palestinian Authority

Jordanian Ministry of Public Works

It’s the Ministry that coordinates all activities related to the management of public works and social housing for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

University of Masons, Stonecutters and congeners Arts of the Town of Gubbio Innocenzo Migliarini


Palestinian Contractors Union – PCU

It’s the Association that represents the Companies of the Construction sector in West Bank and Gaza

Jordanian Contractors Union – JCCA

It’s the Association that represents the Companies of the Construction sector in Jordan