Poli Integrati per la Formazione e la Qualificazione Professionale e Imprenditoriale nelle Costruzioni in Palestina e Giordania

Project funded by Italian Agency for cooperation and development – AICS
(Tender for contribution to local authorities – 2017)

Gubbio Municipality

Implementing Partner:
Building Center Safety and Training – Italy (CESF Perugia)


Government of the State of Palestine: Ministry of Public Works
Palestinian Contractors Union – PCU
Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Ministry of Public Works
Jordanian Construction Contractors Association – JCCA
University of Masons, Stonecutters and congeners Arts of the Town of Gubbio Innocenzo Migliarini

The project, started in January 2018, aims to create in Palestine and in Jordan the conditions for starting and implementing initial and continuing Vocational Education and Training activities able to qualify workers employed in the building industry, particularly in the field of safety.

Starting from the analysis of construction sector in Palestine and Jordan and from the relevant international experiences and regulations, the project will support the establishment of permanent training centers in Palestine and in Jordan, qualified to issue certificates according to shared standards.

The primary objective is to raise safety levels in building sector, and the quality of training for entrepreneurs, engineers and site managers.

Main activities of the project:

  1. Analysis of production, professional and learning field of construction sector in Palestine and Jordan (in particular, analysis of production activities and processes of building industry; competences required by the labor market for workers in building sites and entrepreneurs in construction)

  2. Research, analysis and selection of international, European and Italian best practices to be adapted and transferred in Palestine and Jordan for developing marketable competences and qualification systems for crafts and trades of construction sector, and for facilitating employability and creation of job opportunities in building industry, particularly for youths and women

  3. Identification and design of the competence, training, and certification standards for building workers to be integrated within Palestinian and Jordanian national qualification systems for building industry

  4. Definition and establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding  about competences, training, and certification standards for building workers to be integrated within Palestinian and Jordanian national qualification systems for building industry

  5. Endorsement of the MoU ECVET, supporting the process of its formal transposition in involved Counties

  6. Creation of new permanent sectorial centers in Palestine and Jordan for initial and continuing training of crafts and trades in construction industry

  7. Training of trainers and staff of the of new permanent sectorial VET centers in Palestine and Jordan for crafts and trades of construction industry, for supporting development of competences needed to organize and provide VET courses addressed to Palestinian and Jordanian people

  8. Organization of VET courses to be provided in Palestine and Jordan for the qualification addressed to Palestinian and Jordanian building worke